Sunday, July 26, 2020


Hi everyone!

The truth is that it is difficult to think about this topic in a quarantine where we have online classes, because it would clearly change everything in the subjects that I have done online, however I will try to omit that situation.
I think if I could change something it would be the academic load. I consider that many times we are overwhelmed by the amount of tasks and work that we must carry out, generating that many times we leave aside aspects of our lives that are important to us. How can it be sports, organization, etc. And also that if we could have less academic load we would probably have fewer stoppages, and the stoppages would work better, since they would not be taken as rest, which I think is what can currently happen.
On the faculty facilities, I think they lack green areas, which is an element that favors healthier mental health. Since it is depressing to study with so much cement and buildings around, without being able to have a place to make yourself and to be able to relax for a while, especially when we have classes all day.
Regarding teaching methods, I think that the course lacks practical courses, but that in everything else it has greatly facilitated my learning. On the other hand, I would like them to add a branch of personal development, since I consider that bouquets often generate feelings and emotions in us that are difficult to process, so perhaps that would help us much more to get to know ourselves and even to relax.

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