Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Postgraduate Studies

When I entered to study psychology I always thought about continuing studying after graduating. In fact, the idea of ​​practicing as a psychologist did not appeal to me, but the idea of ​​always studying psychology. This is why I would like to dedicate myself to research (especially if I can link it with research techniques related to photography).
An area that I like a lot is community social psychology, I think that in the future we should focus on strengthening community networks as a way to improve the mental health of the population, and for this a community psychologist is very useful.
If I chose a postgraduate degree in community social psychology I would choose a country in Latin America, this because most of the theories of community psychology come from Latin America and because they are theories applicable to our context, since Latin American countries suffer from similar problems; for example, high inequality, racism, classism, etc. I would like to live for a while while studying in the country of my choice to also get to know other realities, other views, and other people. I would not like to study an interesting postgraduate course on the internet, since I believe that it limits learning a lot, since it is more difficult to put theory into practice in this context and lost  many unparalleled experiences of living in another country.

Monday, June 15, 2020


Well, since I am studying psychology, I hope to practice as a psychologist when I graduate, and in particular I am very interested in everything that has to do with Human Rights. However, I have other ideas in mind, especially related to photography. Lately I learned a lot about photography, actually, some people asked me for some favors related to this, and I’ have beeing discovering that photography is a very wide field. There are different fields within photography, be it photography for journalism, photography for documentarys, portrait photography, advertising photography, etc., and the one I like the most is documentary and landscape photography. Also, I love to travel and better if it is with my camera, then if I could wish, one of my ideal jobs would be to travel around the world documenting experiences and being paid for it. To that end I need to be very professional and I really see it hard now, as I do not dedicate my time 100% to photography haha. Anyway, also I need to have good camera lenses, know well about editing and have a good computer to do this. And regarding my personal skills, I would need to develop my character in front  people I want to photograph, to be less shy in those cases. My main reward is traveling and getting to know other cultures and places and that I am paid to document it. That would be the best!

Monday, June 1, 2020

FRIENDS, the serie

Hi everyone!
In general I don’t like movies. It’s difficult to me focus for two hours or more in one thing. So, when I watch a movie, always a play a simple game in my cellphone, because I need keep my hands occupied.
But I like watch series sometimes. A serie that I love is FRIENDS. I love so much that serie. I watch this a lot of time. The first time I watch this serie was when I was forty years old, and I love it! It’s my favorite serie, and it is about a six friends that live in New York, and they happen a lot of funny things in their daily life. It’s comedy, so it is a serie to watch for laugh, enjoy and relax. Also their episodes last 20 minutes, so it’s very short.
Well, episodes are short, because the serie last ten years, so there are more than 200 episodes!
In general de characters have a very changes through the seasons. That is great when you see how the characters grow up, change, mature, but for that you should watch the serie in order, season by season. Also for meet the history and understand better the plot.

Los actores secundarios de Friends revelan los secretos detrás de ...

Una nueva teoría de 'Friends' abre un intenso debate en Twitter ...