Tuesday, May 19, 2020

My dream: travel to Greenland

I would like to go Greenland. Strictly speaking it is not a country, but it’s part of Dinamarc, however Greenland is an autonomous territory with local goverment. I would like to go because I love cold, It strikes me places with a not many population, I imagine a quite life and I like it! And because my dream is watch Northern Lights and photography that.

Actually I don’t know a lot about the Greenland or their people, but cause me curiosity their culture, and how they live in there, and how is the nature over there.
I would like explore the nature, I would love stay in some park or something like that, specially if there I can see the Northem Lights. Maybe I would like live there, but the language complicate me, because I am not good learning a language and I imagine Greenlandic very difficult and this scare me! Well, never know, maybe it’s easy for me, more than english jajaj …

auroras boreales fotos Groenlandia imágenes polares viaje exploración


  1. It must be magical to see the Northern Lights! I hope you can travel there someday

  2. I didn't know Greenland, it seems a beautiful place! Thanks for sharing <3
